discipleship path
Our part in your spiritual growth journey is providing tools and environments to help you grow. The Breakthrough Life Discipleship Path does just that! Your part in your spiritual growth journey is to commit to the daily practice of private disciplines such as prayer, reading and studying God’s Word, and acting in obedience to the instructions in God’s Word. Our discipleship path clarifies HOW TO accomplish this mission.

Know God (Weekend services)
Our Weekend Services help you to grow by teaching you HOW TO have an intimate, personal relationship with God and walk in His will for your life.
Find Community (Breakthrough Groups)
Breakthrough Groups help you to grow in your relationship with others. They are a place to be known and cared for during life events.
Discover Services (VOLUNTEER)
Volunteer opportunities help you grow by using your talents and gifts to serve others inside and outside the local church.
Make Disciples (Spiritual Growth Classes)
Our Spiritual Growth Classes help you to grow by teaching you God’s Word and equipping you to share what you learn with others.